Sunday, November 27, 2005



  I do remember the good times..

 What do you say for one who
has passed beyond this mortal coil?
Knowing full well that this is the
fate that awaits us all.

Of course, I could say the usual repertoire,
he was a man known for his reason
and good
That would not tell the full story or flesh
out his being, show all of his quirks.  
It's been five years since the earth
your breath.
You have persons who mourned very
when told of your death.

 A daughter still grieves finding no solace,
 not allowed to say goodbye by your
miserable spouse.
Why you picked such a creature to marry
is beyond my ken, knowing you as I knew you then,
you didn't
deserve such a louse.

Your son puts you on a pedestal,
his moments of Father-Son fun.
Life can seem unfair at certain times,
your life you just seem to run.
No time for love, laughter and even tears.
Hurry through life awaiting your golden years.
Life played a sorrowful game, after years of work. relaxation, only time for tears.

 You only lived a year past Oba-san,
did you
know you were dying when
you said your
farewells to her?
This need for secrecy was it borne out of fear,
or did someone pressure you not to speak?
Human nature being as it is..I can see her hand
involved with the greed.
Her need to control even beyond the grave
was so despicable that even Nakajima-san
was horrified at the deed.  

 I often wonder if you are looking down at
us at different times.
Hopefully you are at peace, a blissful rest that
you fully deserve anything
less would be a crime.

So many years, the grand babies are growing
and I see part of you in
each of their faces.
It fills me with sadness that you could never take
them anywhere, anyplace.  

 I do remember the good times

Saturday, November 19, 2005



I feel defiled, deflated and betrayed.

To promise one thing, yet deliver another.
Feeling totally played and dismayed.

Community broken, severing the links

 that bind us as Jland brothers.  

 We soared with the Eagles flying high

 above in the sky.

 Crashing to earth on a given day

 when everything dear was taken away.

 Normal routines are shot to hell,

 they just want us to get use to Pavlovs bell.  

 They wined us and dined us - led us astray.

 We fell for their lies hook line and sinker.

Played on their Beta for all it was worth,

checking that their product certainly would work.

 No thanks are we given, except shown the door

.. perhaps this was planned all along?

  We are not the community they want,

 we're shown no respect.

Blazing banners dropped like bombs

 on top of our lives what did they expect?

 Creative people to roll over and comply?

 Hell, many are saying Goodbye  

 **Please follow the cute puppies and turn your backs on the banner ads, tell ten eventually will hurt AOL.  Thanks much...Sandi

Sunday, October 16, 2005



  Shadows play across my mind.
Past events in silhouettes,

 cascading gently through time.

 Lifting away the veil to see through the years.
My heart knows I loved you
even with my tears.

   Living, laughing, loving, longing.
What joy there was in giving.

Back to a time that you were mine.
Once again to know the feeling

The earth shook and the fireworks
were awesome...boy, we were living.

It thrills my soul that I have
found my true love once more.
Who can say what went wrong 
how did I not you adore?
Why did we quarrel? Why did we fight?

 Oh, my dear, I do not care as long as we make it right.
  So let's just say that I love you
and you love me, on this we can agree.
I've grown a little more indifferent,
you have grown more in spirit.
Perhaps we're better matched
in this time and space.
Then we ever were in the other place. 

  Sandi/2005   Picture son Kenji and his magnificient view of New York City on the 4th of July....just beautiful....

Saturday, September 24, 2005

One of My Favorite Poems


Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952

This poem says it all.


Monday, September 12, 2005

Bits and Pieces

Bits and pieces hang swinging high in trees
Life treasures so carelessly tossed.
Faces staring blankly in two's and three's.
Stumble along intently seeking relief, looking
for the lost.

Gentle people old, young - hearts melted.
Fear on the faces of the children I behold.

Wring their hands at such a sight
Mighty men try with all their might
to rescue the most.

Scenes of devastation as the city is lost
Nothing could stop it, nature gone wild
at such a cost.

Oh, my heart weeps at what I must view.
The City with soul shall rise again, as
a Phoenix from the ashes nothing less will do.

Oh, ye Gods of fate one would go and one
would stay.
How high will the count go?
Believe me I don't want to know.
Dear Lord there has to be a better way and
hear our prayers for better days

Thursday, August 4, 2005

You Touch My Heart When You....Poetry Group

You touched my heart when you
spoke about your long lost love
A time of passion and youthful glee
A time for all seasons a reason to be
Together forever is what you had planned
Loving through the eons, walking hand in hand.

You touched my heart when you
spoke about your long lost love
The memories you invoke bring passion alive
He was at first a tall, dark handsome stranger
You laughed when you first met, blushing a bit
from all his downhome street jive.
The night air was filled with the smell of sweet
Jasmine, mingled with the heavy breath of summer.
You gasped as he drew you near to him, feeling his
heart beating against yours...a stranger no more.

You touched my heart when you spoke of the
longing for him, if only you could hold him once more.
If I could make a wish for you, my wish would make
your dream come true.
My own heart is weeping for I see all the possibilities
of what should of been, it makes me blue.
You touched my heart when you spoke of your long
lost love.....





Sunday, July 24, 2005


A mother's love for her baby son hasn't
any boundaries or limits
To hold that child close to your heart, to
help him to grow, steadying his legs as he
takes his first wobbly steps
To watch and revel in joy at the sound of
his laughter with each new toy

Holding his hand on the first day of school
telling him "nothing to fear...Mommy will
always be here."
Wiping his tears after a fall from a tree
Putting a kiss and a bandaid here and there.

The years go by as he grows ever taller
so straight full of life with no fear
The apron strings must be cut tis but
nature's way of moving on
Nearly a full grown man stands at the door
but in a mother's heart he is still the
little boy that she loves with all her might

The future is broken, promises unkept
tears flow like a river cascading forever
into the depths.
Sadness shakes us to our very core
The youth of our nation are expendable
once more.
A future once bright, shinning filled
with promise and belief
Lies broken at our feet
A Mother's love is forever and ever.....



This is dedicated to Debbi in memory of her son Travis....



Thursday, July 7, 2005

Reason Lost

Reason Lost

A morning bright beyond belief, peaceful
beauty all around
Big Ben chimes on the early morning hour
as traffic slowly roars to life with sound
One after another louder sounds rock their senses
Walking wounded appear on the scene and the
reaction of the world tenses.

Visions of terrible days in our past, remembering the
horror of events that just last.
Each time it happens it conjures memories best left unsaid.
But then, we must talk memorialize - lest we forget the dead.

The people that did this are inglorious cowards, deserving
a worse end than what they caused to happen with reason lost.
To what end must we struggle, striving to win? We shall succeed
although I fear the cost.

Big Ben will chime tommorrow will continue
Families will grieve and the world weeps with them
There are more days to go on living.


Friday, July 1, 2005

4th of July Poem

Rockets blazing fire
Evil empire shall not succeed
Freedom everlasting arises 

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"If I Were Poetry"


                                If I Were Poetry

If I were poetry I would flow so smoothly almost
like a raging river winding steadily through the
canyon, sending heavy rippling waves against the walls.
Finally, at journey's end tumbling, roaring into a sparkling, bubbling giant waterfall.

Just but wait..the journey's not yet finished..there's
more to do.
The waterfall has formed a tranquil lake of submerged
beauty bringing forth nature's charms without adieu.
If I were poetry I would tell you please draw up a seat
of moss against my bank, rest your weary head upon
my green softness as the gentle waves of my poetry
lulls you to sleep forgetting anything rank.

Let the magic of nature regale you with it's unsurpassed
Listen to nature, you can almost hear the fairies flitting
from flower to flower......wonder abounds.
As evening draws near, moonrise is steady and it's
blessings I hold dear.
Listen closely you can almost hear
If I were poetry....It would be very clear.




Cheer Up All's Right With The World

To be yourself is simple you see.
        Remember the laughter of your
        inner child, it will set you free.

        Find joy in the early morning sunrise.
         Delight in a new found friend, love's surprise.
         Gather with crowds and howl at the night.
         After a while you will find that everything
         turns out alright.

          Laughter can heal what the world doesn't see.
          Shyness can be shed like a heavy winter's coat
          Let yourself shine through and you'll be free
          this is honest truth anyone would quote.


Monday, June 6, 2005

Little Black Cloud

Maybe if I write in dayglow..the little black cloud will away go.
It's hard to get an optimist down...because we always figure
that there will come another day to find a way to win another round.

The simple things in life become so complicated as to be
entangled in growing webs of barbed wire.
So stand back, don't get too close, the barbs will catch
you too and pull you relentlessly into the fire.
I can feel the intensity of the flames passion
Oh, little rain cloud, open the skies pour down
on me after a fashion

Silent raindrops gently falling on my face
mingled with my salty tears mixing in place
Mostly laughter fills my soul not this
brooding evil I behold.
In place of a rain dance, a sun dance would do
swaying gently under the elms in the deep, deep woods.
Feeling the sunlight warm my face, gently caressing my
inner being....chasing away my little black cloud.
Embrace the warmth, bask in the light, just sing
out loud.







Saturday, June 4, 2005


Don't walk through life in a dimlit haze
Unable to figure out a reason why
Youth was meant to explore, learn,
grow and let the powers that be amaze.
Wonderous moments await your attention
glorious, soaring joy filled emotion, open your
mind and just try.

Oh, my dear life has it's ups and downs
seems everyone once in a while goes round
and round.
You'll find a love that's strong and true,
not one to make you blue.
This will seem like a long lost dream for who
can recall misery when their heart is singing.
Love should come to you on tippy toes softly
enveloping you with all the joy that's it's bringing

Friday, June 3, 2005


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From: Sandi

Date: Jun 3, 2005 2:04 AM Subject: Love Can Be A Many Splendid Thing (sometimes) Body: Being alone is lonely.
Loving alone is sad.
Combine both and the feeling is bad.

Yesterday was long ago.
Where are all the tommorrows?
So quicky does time go past, we turn around and find that nothing lasts.

We all have heartache.
Sometimes it's more than we can take.
What's the solution?
The saving grace?
Face it squarely.
Even though you think life has treated you

Two hearts searching.
But never reaching
Looking for love
But never receiving
One gives love with reason
The other taking without giving.
The world spins and the day changes
One heart forgives but cannot forget
and goes on searching.

To hear the beat of a different
It is not the easiest way to live.
For to some people nothing could be
Watch yourself and what you do.
One step out of line and forever
play the fool.

A new day dawns with it's early light
warming the numbness making the
world again right.
People come and go into our lives as
frequently as the tide turns to the moonlight
Stay the course, follow your truth - the heart
wants what the heart wants..everything else
is moot.
Somewhere in time a unknown love awaits
turn that corner, go for a ride...who knows
it's all up to fate.

By Sandi

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Growing Up

Growing up believing in Popeye
Those were the innocent days, what a guy!
Grandmom always said....
Eat your spinach and behave
Look at you! You've grown three inches,
Let's go to the beach and catch a wave!

Oh, a day at the beach was exceedingly fun
so much space and everywhere to run
Laying on an old green army blanket
Running soft sand thru my hands, fingers
catching a wonderful tiny shell memory
lingers there yet.

Lying on my stomach, watching my mini
world thru arms crossed holding my face.
Sunlight shines so greatly making the
grains of sand lovely a breathtaking place.
Imagining a fairy castle in such a tiny space
In my mind I shrink, I melt I am one with
the sand.

I envision a special place all misty green
covered in dew...with a unicorn wading
in a babbling brook bringing love to quite a few.
If you look closely you will see how magnificient
our world could be.
Peaceful beauty too perfect to see.





Wednesday, May 25, 2005


School days, school days....line up
for entrance into the maze
The boys wrapped up in their glory jackets
the girls are just all a twitter, a jabbering racket.

Line up now, enter two by two
Believe me, nothing else would do
Nary a girl goes without her head scarf
it was the fashion of the day....barf!

Hey! Here's the usual lunchroom scene
Louise, Sandi & Jimmy all standing in line
Grab the tray, tell the lady what you need
I want a baloney & cheese with mustard please.

Pictures from our past, memories revived
Giving credence to events that were our lives.
Sweet are the memories of long lost loves
thoughts float across my mind rising like a dove.

To be young and wild, to howl at the moon on
a starlit night...roar with abandon with all your might.
Make your mark, take your risks...never go quietly
silent into the night.

Icons have fallen and are no more
They were "cool" before it became a word
Today they are idolized as something special
Great talent was theirs for the world to enjoy
Some people are just too beautiful to live.
their lives end suddenly like the butterfly or the
elusive unicorn.

By Sandi...yes that's me in between Jim in plaid and Louise turned towards the camera...taken in 1960!
Seems like a century ago.





Sunday, May 15, 2005

Judi's Artful Contest

     Never Give Up

In my mind's eye I wander perilously close to a widening deep abyss
Staring like a gongoozler into the dark void
Trying to discover a
feasible path to reach
my long lost bliss.
long lonely ARDUOUS journey to seek an 
My heart is all a TITTER poor NEOPHYTE seeking
a small miracle.
A FORTUITOUS ASCENDANT at the time of my
Has given me a soul that is filled to the
brim with joyful mirth.
To quelle my outward BOMBASTIC nature I sing
silently to fill the chasm.
FALLACIOUS hope springs eternal, a whispered
CONNOTATION to not give up, to stay the course
Arises like a mist deep from within me...
my life force.....

This is for the entry into this month's Artsy Contest:


Friday, April 29, 2005

Just Thinking Things Over

Just thinking things over,shadows playing across my mind
Like a vision from a dream coming silently to me from a far a way time.

I see the characters play their games always scheming trying to win but never winning.
The plots they plan the deceptions they keep
It's enough to make an honest person weep
Can their lies get bigger, bolder yet?
I can almost hear them yell "Get Your Snake OIL right here"
guaranteed to cure!!

Our country our world and the future too
deserves our best nothing less will do
To burn our forests, cut down the trees,
take the breath from the birds and the bees.
Now it seems our frozen north must sacrifice it's
virgin land - the black blood of the land is needed
nothing we say or plead will be heeded.

As much compassion as a human can show will not stem
the tide of the future to come.
Imagine a land where nothing will grow, sunlight burns
through almost till midnight.
The land lies fallow, the worms, the bees are no more
Man had plowed his last field and it's a terrible sight
Heat is intense, the ice caps are melting, the oceans
rise with each moon fall...cities are empty...mountains
are crowded.

Mother earth does fight back, hurricanes, tidal waves 
and earthquakes shows her fury...for our treatment of
her I would not want her to be judge and jury.
I fear for the future the little ones yet to be
See the shadows across my mind wishing that we all
might be yet saved.....wondering what will be?









Saturday, April 23, 2005

Earth Day

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Dew drops in the morning mist appear to shimmer
captured exquisitely on a spider's spun web
Prisms of light dance in the sunlight that shows through
Sparkling diamond like across the lush growth as if
painted by glimmer.

Green, so softly green does my garden grow
Little gray green frogs playing hopscotch on
the fallen tree limbs
A baby Opposum has lost it's way...seeking
safe haven in my green heaven
Creatures big and small are drawn into my
little world of green only on a whim
Little green Lizards lie lazily in the sun's heat
As a little feral black cat tries to play cat and mouse
almost by my feet.

My friend the Peacock suddenly strolls by
causing the little cat to jump and fly
A Bluebird lands on a hanging basket, looking
for worms it seems.
Butterflies flit in and out - my little green haven
with life just teems.

I sit in meditation surrounded by nature's glorious beauty
Relaxed, refreshed beyond all imaginings....
Thank you Mother Earth.






Monday, April 18, 2005

Cowboy Poetry In Motion

Ode to the "Duke"

Think back to the days of the wild, wild west
Go back in your memory and here comes "The Duke" a man's man, one of the best.
With his swaggering gait he was long cool
drink of water in his day
Making many a lady rue getting in his way.

He started so young, just a boy called Marion
Jumped on a horse,  shooting his Colt 45 and saved the stage coach... bye and bye
along with his sidekick Gabby, which
really wasn't too shabby

Along the way his name was changed
Enter "The Duke" known as John Wayne
It had to be hard to grow up with the name
remember  "That Boy Sue?"
I remember him swaggering down the
only road in a one horse town, holding
his rifle for all to see
He was a man for all seasons, he had a
reason to be.

He was a legend in his own time and
continues to be
His life, love and movies will live on
for all to see.
A man needs a good Western to touch
his inner soul...feel one with the earth
body and all.


Sandi.....sort of cowboy poetry...well, it's an ode



Friday, April 8, 2005

Saying Goodbye Is Not Easy

Saying goodbye is not easy
To not hear his voice or see his
spirited expressions can make
the faithfull queasy

He fought the good fight for many years
Praying for strength from heaven above
To help humanity and allay our fears
He practised what he preached and
tried to bring order to chaos with love.

His was a humble life at the beginning
He met evil headon and saw first hand
the result of war & sinning
He was the gentle Poppa that so many
of  us needed, a light touch to a child's
head.....even his touch the turtle doves heeded.

Saying goodby is not easy......

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Life should be precious, treated as God's special gift
Not something to be tossed aside or set adrift
We may not understand but I am sure that HE does
For all things are possible under God's blue sky
Thousands of years have gone by, but the lack of
humanity's morals can make HIM cry
To treat the least of us in such a terrible way oh for
shame do we rue the day.

You are born, you live - you die
For some this is not cut and dried.
To hold a life in your hands and decide,
what will it be? Choose life?  Choose Death?
Oh, would that they be granted the wisdom of Solomon.
Our judges are sorely lacking any compassion
judging merely by coldly reading cold words on cold paper
I only ask for justice for her with humble heart and tremendous passion.

As she lies there slowly ebbing away
No one can say that thoughts, emotions, dreams
do not play across her mind every night & day
How do you do this to someone? Deny the simple
things in life...water, food.  Let nothing touch her
lips...let no one try to sustain by even simple means
She has become a battered toy to be fought over
in the name of the name of all that's holy
where is a Solomon?






Saturday, February 26, 2005

Without You

What would I do without you there?
I have walked down this path before
Many times in many dreams
But always with you standing there
Just beyond shadows reach.

What would I do without you there?
Knowing you are in the wings of my mind
Just waiting to spring into action and come out.
You are my partner, my own refuge, my love.

What would I do without you there?
Someone to depend on, someone to lean on
Someone to love
In my dreams you come out of the shadows and
we walk hand in hand down life's road.

What would I do without you there?
I have walked down this path before
Many times in many dreams
But always with you standing there just
beyond shadows reach...

What would I do without you there?







Friday, February 11, 2005


A valentine is way over I'll put one together for you

So many years ago you smiled my way and we've been
together ever since that day.

Love songs come and go, but ours has been singing for
so ever long
The song it sings is strong and true...I'm yours & you are
mine - we belong.

Longevity in love is not for the weak willed
Meaningful purpose in thought & deed otherwise
find that your love is killed

I finish your sentences, you finish alike
are we that we can tell by a look what's on our mind
Sometimes we bicker...but never really shout.
Some people look all their lives and wonder
what's it all about?
I wish for them a love like ours and then they'll
find out.

To go into the sunset of our lives, hand in hand
ready for whatever the way it should be
for you and me.

I do love you babe....


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Here'ssss Johnny....

One by one my icons are tumbling,falling
Fading so gently into the night
Remember when their star shone so bright?
I remember so many nights where laughter
would fill my gloom with the mimicking of
comedy's calling.

Lord in heaven must need some comic relief
"Karnac" reigns again and foretells some
future belief.
Our time here on earth is brief, we have
had the best of the lot...Gleason, Benny,
Hope, just to name only a few, now add
the name of Carson too.

Sayng goodbye to a friend is hard, no matter
how you try.
We'll be saying "Goodbye Johnny" with tears
as we cry.

Bye....see you again my friend....









Friday, January 21, 2005

Signs Signs Everywhere A sign

Signs, Signs all the time, directing our way
Making it easier to frolick and play
There's one to STOP and one to GO - its
unbelievable the variety - WOW look at so an so....

Now they say that everyone's born under a
distinct, separate sign....
Used to be a Yuppie thing..walk in a bar
and get asked immediately what you are.
Natal horoscopes, full Sun Signs..oh my!
For playful fun I think they are fine.

The reason I chose the sign above is simple.
I was born on the cusp, meaning I have to
combine two signs which is more than ample.
So showing a sign going in both directions
portrays a very definite personality trait that
needs correction!

Given a problem with two solutions, gee is it
hard to choose.





Thursday, January 20, 2005

Trying To Do A cowboy Poem Giddy Up!!

Howdy Pardner....pull up a rocker & set awhile
You are a long tall drink of water in my eyes
Just you sit yourself down and put your boots
up on the rail...nothing fancy about your style
I see that you have a Colt 45...

The boy will take your horse to the stable,
here, have a slug of what's in this jug...
It will cure what ails ya and if it don't
you'll still feel that you are able.

Moonshine certainly does the deed...coming in
from the range all hurting and such
Boy, go to town on that stuff and you won't
feel much!
The hotel has a room & bath for ten cents
a night...and they put on a pretty good feed.

Now, remember we don't take kindly to strangers
making a fuss
Mind your manners and behave else the sheriff
will have you in jail with or without a cuss.
Yep, that's a picture of our good sheriff, he
keeps peace and order in our town
It makes good horse sense not to make him

Just the same enjoy the town....


Sandi.....this is for Paul









Sometimes Changes come around
Doesn't always mean that they are sound
Humanity being what it is cannot refrain
From making changes that are a pain

Okay, sometimes we can be in a rut
And we find that we need change in order to strut
But when something works very well
You have to stop and say "What the h  ll!"

You think by now that people would know
that what you reap is what you sow
So much nonsense set in words causes a flurry
so much so that now the future is blurry.






Monday, January 17, 2005

Martin Luther King Day

We always fall back on quick sayings, as if they will take
the edge off the pain
They say "The Good Die Young" but what do we gain?
He lived his life, spoke his mind and told the truth
Before God & country he swore that he had climbed
the see the "promised" land...his belief
his only proof.

That someone filled with hate & rage could end such a life
is really an awful shame.
Forty years have slowly passed, his message still lasts
freedom rings, the mountain top is closer still...we turn
inwards to look for blame.
