Sunday, November 27, 2005



  I do remember the good times..

 What do you say for one who
has passed beyond this mortal coil?
Knowing full well that this is the
fate that awaits us all.

Of course, I could say the usual repertoire,
he was a man known for his reason
and good
That would not tell the full story or flesh
out his being, show all of his quirks.  
It's been five years since the earth
your breath.
You have persons who mourned very
when told of your death.

 A daughter still grieves finding no solace,
 not allowed to say goodbye by your
miserable spouse.
Why you picked such a creature to marry
is beyond my ken, knowing you as I knew you then,
you didn't
deserve such a louse.

Your son puts you on a pedestal,
his moments of Father-Son fun.
Life can seem unfair at certain times,
your life you just seem to run.
No time for love, laughter and even tears.
Hurry through life awaiting your golden years.
Life played a sorrowful game, after years of work. relaxation, only time for tears.

 You only lived a year past Oba-san,
did you
know you were dying when
you said your
farewells to her?
This need for secrecy was it borne out of fear,
or did someone pressure you not to speak?
Human nature being as it is..I can see her hand
involved with the greed.
Her need to control even beyond the grave
was so despicable that even Nakajima-san
was horrified at the deed.  

 I often wonder if you are looking down at
us at different times.
Hopefully you are at peace, a blissful rest that
you fully deserve anything
less would be a crime.

So many years, the grand babies are growing
and I see part of you in
each of their faces.
It fills me with sadness that you could never take
them anywhere, anyplace.  

 I do remember the good times


Anonymous said...

You have answered that delicate question of "Reincarnation"......Each time our heart sings the praises of a deceased one, they are reincarnated in the grandest way of all!    
How eloquently expressed!   Marc :)

Anonymous said...

First, I apologize for my long absence from visiting journals!

I read something different in this entry then Marc did. In my perspective I sense the same longing I feel when I think of my X and all he is missing. My X also has a girlfriend who remarkably has decided having two kids around isn't needed in their busy social lives. A man becoming a wimp, I can almost stomache, why a woman would do that intentionally is beyond the concept of maternal instincts I have.

It makes me sad that someday this could be my very entry in regards to my X. If only they knew...........if only they understood.........if only...............
Thank you for showing me the way here,
Rebecca Anne

Anonymous said...

Dear Sandi
A fascinating portrayal mixed with delight, grief and love of someone gone. thank you!