Saturday, February 26, 2005

Without You

What would I do without you there?
I have walked down this path before
Many times in many dreams
But always with you standing there
Just beyond shadows reach.

What would I do without you there?
Knowing you are in the wings of my mind
Just waiting to spring into action and come out.
You are my partner, my own refuge, my love.

What would I do without you there?
Someone to depend on, someone to lean on
Someone to love
In my dreams you come out of the shadows and
we walk hand in hand down life's road.

What would I do without you there?
I have walked down this path before
Many times in many dreams
But always with you standing there just
beyond shadows reach...

What would I do without you there?








Anonymous said...

You would be lonely
and somewhat weak
as you stand out there
for all that you seek

what would I do without you
without you there to guide my way
the same type question many ask
just the same as it is you say

Enjoy you, Sandi


Anonymous said...

Very Pretty!  It has a feeling that it should be put to music.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yup you were right. I do think it says alot. Wish I had it before I did my entry I could have put it in there. Lori