Sunday, July 24, 2005


A mother's love for her baby son hasn't
any boundaries or limits
To hold that child close to your heart, to
help him to grow, steadying his legs as he
takes his first wobbly steps
To watch and revel in joy at the sound of
his laughter with each new toy

Holding his hand on the first day of school
telling him "nothing to fear...Mommy will
always be here."
Wiping his tears after a fall from a tree
Putting a kiss and a bandaid here and there.

The years go by as he grows ever taller
so straight full of life with no fear
The apron strings must be cut tis but
nature's way of moving on
Nearly a full grown man stands at the door
but in a mother's heart he is still the
little boy that she loves with all her might

The future is broken, promises unkept
tears flow like a river cascading forever
into the depths.
Sadness shakes us to our very core
The youth of our nation are expendable
once more.
A future once bright, shinning filled
with promise and belief
Lies broken at our feet
A Mother's love is forever and ever.....



This is dedicated to Debbi in memory of her son Travis....



Thursday, July 7, 2005

Reason Lost

Reason Lost

A morning bright beyond belief, peaceful
beauty all around
Big Ben chimes on the early morning hour
as traffic slowly roars to life with sound
One after another louder sounds rock their senses
Walking wounded appear on the scene and the
reaction of the world tenses.

Visions of terrible days in our past, remembering the
horror of events that just last.
Each time it happens it conjures memories best left unsaid.
But then, we must talk memorialize - lest we forget the dead.

The people that did this are inglorious cowards, deserving
a worse end than what they caused to happen with reason lost.
To what end must we struggle, striving to win? We shall succeed
although I fear the cost.

Big Ben will chime tommorrow will continue
Families will grieve and the world weeps with them
There are more days to go on living.


Friday, July 1, 2005

4th of July Poem

Rockets blazing fire
Evil empire shall not succeed
Freedom everlasting arises