Saturday, November 19, 2005



I feel defiled, deflated and betrayed.

To promise one thing, yet deliver another.
Feeling totally played and dismayed.

Community broken, severing the links

 that bind us as Jland brothers.  

 We soared with the Eagles flying high

 above in the sky.

 Crashing to earth on a given day

 when everything dear was taken away.

 Normal routines are shot to hell,

 they just want us to get use to Pavlovs bell.  

 They wined us and dined us - led us astray.

 We fell for their lies hook line and sinker.

Played on their Beta for all it was worth,

checking that their product certainly would work.

 No thanks are we given, except shown the door

.. perhaps this was planned all along?

  We are not the community they want,

 we're shown no respect.

Blazing banners dropped like bombs

 on top of our lives what did they expect?

 Creative people to roll over and comply?

 Hell, many are saying Goodbye  

 **Please follow the cute puppies and turn your backs on the banner ads, tell ten eventually will hurt AOL.  Thanks much...Sandi


Anonymous said...

Tho I agree with most of your feelings I have a different take on their intent. Thinking strictly from a business point of view I don't believe their intent was to get rid of us as you and many have said. I think it more a sense that they took us forgranted in activating ther greed. Think in terms of selling the ads. All ads are sold with a target number of potential customers in the mix at some point. Due to AOL not giving us consideration before dropping the ads on us they have lost lots of journalist thus loosing lots of their customer's potential sales.

It has always been my experience that at certain intervals the client has to assess the response to the ratio of potential customers. Even if aol computed up front a loss of certain numbers of us I'm thinking their figures are going to be skewd. Thus they will lose revenue. By keeping the petitions going, letters to the head hunchos and negative comments about the ads mentioned in other media I am confident they will respond to us. Too much negative publicity is never good for the bottom line.

As far as the ads are concerned I can ignore them as I do in most other places. The difference here is that the ads feel to me as if they are in my family room. Thus, an invasion to me. Appreciate reading your heart. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

With every business decision, every conceievable obstruction is considered. The one constant I am sure Joe put before them was DO NOt Even Think About IT...yet he was over ridden and probably instructed not to warn us. Once it was in place, it would be too late. I have been filled with dismay since the first day. Tears are in my eyes as I write this. I feel everyon's pain . It is like a bomb has been dropped and our journals are left in shambles. I wil blog at and my journal is My Meandering Muse. I never thought it could come to this. I will still keep up with my favorite authors on AOL, but I have to look at it , we are still a click away no matter where the site is! This was a wonderful write ... conveying truth and pain. Thank you for sharing...Love, CMP

Anonymous said...

Bravo!You've said it all, extraordinarily well. And you speak for all of us!

Anonymous said...

Very Creatively Said!  If AOL would get their eyes out of their wallets and actually LOOK at their members, they will see what a unique and diverse community they have, one that they are threatening with their own corporate greed.  Such a shame.

Anonymous said...

Awesome poem with a wonderful message!  You rock!!

Be well,