Monday, April 18, 2005

Cowboy Poetry In Motion

Ode to the "Duke"

Think back to the days of the wild, wild west
Go back in your memory and here comes "The Duke" a man's man, one of the best.
With his swaggering gait he was long cool
drink of water in his day
Making many a lady rue getting in his way.

He started so young, just a boy called Marion
Jumped on a horse,  shooting his Colt 45 and saved the stage coach... bye and bye
along with his sidekick Gabby, which
really wasn't too shabby

Along the way his name was changed
Enter "The Duke" known as John Wayne
It had to be hard to grow up with the name
remember  "That Boy Sue?"
I remember him swaggering down the
only road in a one horse town, holding
his rifle for all to see
He was a man for all seasons, he had a
reason to be.

He was a legend in his own time and
continues to be
His life, love and movies will live on
for all to see.
A man needs a good Western to touch
his inner soul...feel one with the earth
body and all.


Sandi.....sort of cowboy poetry...well, it's an ode




Anonymous said...

Great stuff. I linked ya!

Anonymous said...

I never wanted to be
a cowboy or shoot a gun
but more and more I feel
like shooting on the run

Not to worry, tho
just a maddening inside
like reading your poetry
how the cowboy rides

Good stuff, Sandi
