Thursday, August 4, 2005

You Touch My Heart When You....Poetry Group

You touched my heart when you
spoke about your long lost love
A time of passion and youthful glee
A time for all seasons a reason to be
Together forever is what you had planned
Loving through the eons, walking hand in hand.

You touched my heart when you
spoke about your long lost love
The memories you invoke bring passion alive
He was at first a tall, dark handsome stranger
You laughed when you first met, blushing a bit
from all his downhome street jive.
The night air was filled with the smell of sweet
Jasmine, mingled with the heavy breath of summer.
You gasped as he drew you near to him, feeling his
heart beating against yours...a stranger no more.

You touched my heart when you spoke of the
longing for him, if only you could hold him once more.
If I could make a wish for you, my wish would make
your dream come true.
My own heart is weeping for I see all the possibilities
of what should of been, it makes me blue.
You touched my heart when you spoke of your long
lost love.....