Sunday, January 23, 2005

Here'ssss Johnny....

One by one my icons are tumbling,falling
Fading so gently into the night
Remember when their star shone so bright?
I remember so many nights where laughter
would fill my gloom with the mimicking of
comedy's calling.

Lord in heaven must need some comic relief
"Karnac" reigns again and foretells some
future belief.
Our time here on earth is brief, we have
had the best of the lot...Gleason, Benny,
Hope, just to name only a few, now add
the name of Carson too.

Sayng goodbye to a friend is hard, no matter
how you try.
We'll be saying "Goodbye Johnny" with tears
as we cry.

Bye....see you again my friend....










Anonymous said...

I second your emotion. We don't seem to have the quality in new people to fill the shoes of those we are loosing.

Anonymous said...

Johnny's death seems like a close friend in a way....he was the last guy I'd see before I went to sleep at night....even as an adult, it became a habit to listen to hime at night....sorta like a corny uncle...I loved the whole Karnak bit....great poem....Penny

Anonymous said...