Monday, June 6, 2005

Little Black Cloud

Maybe if I write in dayglow..the little black cloud will away go.
It's hard to get an optimist down...because we always figure
that there will come another day to find a way to win another round.

The simple things in life become so complicated as to be
entangled in growing webs of barbed wire.
So stand back, don't get too close, the barbs will catch
you too and pull you relentlessly into the fire.
I can feel the intensity of the flames passion
Oh, little rain cloud, open the skies pour down
on me after a fashion

Silent raindrops gently falling on my face
mingled with my salty tears mixing in place
Mostly laughter fills my soul not this
brooding evil I behold.
In place of a rain dance, a sun dance would do
swaying gently under the elms in the deep, deep woods.
Feeling the sunlight warm my face, gently caressing my
inner being....chasing away my little black cloud.
Embrace the warmth, bask in the light, just sing
out loud.








Anonymous said...

Being an optimist as well
tend to ignore the black cloud
as I continue on a positive way
I just have to shout out loud.

Even when the rains come
I look past to see the light
tho the storm might be heavy
I struggle to keep it bright.

See, I've been in the mist of it
the heaviest of what can be.
Trauma beyond my wildest
nightmares have befallen me.

Somehow I made it thru
found my lighted guiding path.
Refused to bow under the weight
of the black cloud's heavy wrath.

Oh, there are times I share
silent raindrops in the mist
but thru the fog of it all
I still say I've really been kissed.

So don't worry bout that black cloud
it will always hang up in the sky
to remind us there is joy and love
as life goes on lumbering by.  

Good write, Sandi

I see you are wallowing in the mysteries of life. Keep the joy.



Anonymous said...

wow! Great minds DO run in the same channels....I REALLY LOVED THE POETIC PHRASES:growing webs of barbed wire.......Silent raindrops gently falling on my face
mingled with my salty tears mixing in place....swaying gently under the elms in the deep, deep woods.BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

this has such a  way with words. I dont have a good relationship with words. I cant getthem down like you have here.

Anonymous said...

<<<Mostly laughter fills my soul not this
brooding evil I behold.
In place of a rain dance, a sun dance would do
swaying gently under the elms in the deep, deep woods.>>>

Yes Sandi you are ever the optomist. I read once that "Sundances" actually were very popular ceremonies among many native and aboriginal tribes all around the world. Daylong ceremonies would take place just to worship the sun... is THIS the root of SUNday? Hmmm...

See how your poetry inspires?