Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Right or Left?

Right or Left? No middle of the road here
Say your piece and let people judge all
that you hold dear
Boy, if I say I hate war someone tells me
that the boys are dying and I'm the reason
Everybody seems quick to jump to conclusions
but no one has a quick solution this season.

War mongers shout their spiels without remorse
There are people who profit from humanities
woes and suffering - they need the war to play
it's course.
America is proud of it's soldiers...whether we be
right or left or middle of the road
They fight for us, they die for us, they are the
best of us and carry a heavy load.

So people on the right may throw as many
poisonous barbs as they might
I learned a long time ago that the person who
yelled or screamed the loudest was not
the person in the right
So many mixtures, so much emotion...sometimes
the reasons themselves are lost
It's an old man's war, with an older cause
sending off our young at such a cost.

So the next politician who steps up on the box
should be made to tell the truth not lies
Maybe a serum can be made - that anyone
entering political life would take
Guaranteeing that what was said was not fake.
Oh, what a wonderful world we could then make!






Thursday, November 11, 2004

Veterans Day 2004

Thinking back over the years
Of everything that our country has held dear
My family was lucky everyone survived the
wars that we feared
Others that went and served with pride
still pressed forward and knowingly died

We as a nation should never forget the ones
who gave the ultimate gift
The ones left behind must be shown how
much we care....they need a special lift
When I was a  little one seeing the flag in a parade
gave me a thrill of pride
We've lost the meaning in recent years...the
reason men have died for the flag

Oh, how long shall it wave?  Over the land of
the free and the home of the brave?
As divided as we are in our political thoughts
one nation is what we are, where we stand
and let no one think anything less...
So remember our heros alive and dead
Today is their day and not something
to dread.

Say a prayer for our boys over "there"...........