Friday, September 8, 2006

Five Years

Five years have passed.
Memories of that fateful day
woven into our nations soul.
We are left totally aghast.
Our beliefs waiver still with
questions as large as the hole.
Keep our nation safe, we pray
to the Lord.
Bless the heroes of that awful
day, pray for the fallen.
Only a few pulled from the inferno,
hoping beyond hope for more.
Children as yet unborn shall remember
this day, as another day of infamy.
Of man's inhumanity towards man.
When weeping faces upturned seek
solace from beyond.
It is too much too bear, hoping against
all hope, remove this horror so
 that a new day will dawn.
Time heals all wounds...but not this


Anonymous said...

wow...and it has been almost a year since your last post!

I hear your anguish...the indelible mark of grief that has been left, not just on you, but this entire nation.

This was not an act of the Almighty, but our Creator was well aware the harm that "free will" would create. So, along with 'free will" he tossed in the emotion of "grief".....Grief has such an enormous and undeniable weight on our hearts. It is so heavy that there is no human source strong enough that can lift it from one who is grieving.......and only when we stop, and turn to "higher source" can this grief be lifted.

Healing begins when we believe we can be healed......til that time...I pray for Peace...... Blessings.....Marc :)

Anonymous said...

Hello,  I am starting to find AOL blogs that have a focus on poetry. I am going to update this and touch up this blog this week with a nice background. I look forward to coming back to your blog and the other ones I find. Poetry is one of the most surreal places we can discover. If you know of anyone who blogs poetry could you send them an email or have them post a link at the blog. Please stop by and see what category you best fit it.

Best Regards, Raven