Sunday, October 12, 2008

Checking & Rechecking

Oh, boy where do I look first?
Each journal is special to me
when writing has slaked my

AOL threw us for a loop, never
gave warning or even a blurp.

Thirty days notice and then
get out, leave and take the
crap with you, not even a
by your leave.

A new home is offered with
welcoming neighbors
wave "hi", old friends are found.

Five years of our lives - right down
the tubes.
Turn around in this world and boy
do you loose.

Of course, we will manage, we will
This community called Jland will
most likely thrive.


kelly said...

we will survive in our new home.. i myself don't like change.. but this seems like a good place to start.. I look forward to reading more of your poems... great job..

DB said...

We are surviving, but it's not easy.

DB - Vagabond Journeys