Friday, July 4, 2008

Leaving On A Jet Plane

A terrible sadness washes over me
yearning for what could of been
and now shall never be.
Carefully plotted adventures torn
 suddenly, cruelly apart.
A future together is now all blown
away as simple as dust.
Walking hand in hand down life's
highway is what had been planned.
Now one is flying miserable at
35,000 feet without part of his
The other is clinging to family and
friends afraid to stand on her own
two feet.
The moral of this story is that it takes
two adults to make a couple, a commitment.
In the normal circle of life, woman will
cleave to man and leave her family willingly.
Knowing in her heart of hearts that she is
the nucleus of a brand new extended family.
When one is ready and the other not, only
heartbreak can ensue.
Fly high my son, dare to dream your dreams
Go forth knowing you are loved, let nothing
hold you back from what you want from life.
Someday, someway this will just be a distant
memory, something not quite so painful.
In it's place will be a beautiful, smiling new
love one that's worthy of your wonderful, kind
nature.  It will happen.
I love you...Mom

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